About Us
Marion County Stormwater Master Plan
Town of Pamplico Stormwater Study
Town of Mayesville Stormwater Study
To learn about the Mayesville, SC Drainage Study under development and/or to provide public input on known flooding in Mayesville, click here.
City of Conway Stormwater Master Plan
City of Florence Stormwater Master Plan
City of Orangeburg Storm Drainage Study
Darlington County Watershed Study
The Citadel Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Town of Summerton Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study
Orangeburg County Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study
Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study
Town of James Island Creek Basin Drainage Master Plan
Chesterfield County Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study
Calhoun County Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study
Horry County Buck Creek Watershed and Simpson Creek Watershed Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study
Georgetown County Resilience Element of Comprehensive Plan
Town of Lamar Stormwater Plan
Town of Society Hill Stormwater Plan
Town of Pinewood Stormwater Plan
Williamsburg County Comprehensive Plan
South Carolina State University Stormwater Drainage Study
Photo credit (left to right): City of Charleston, Richland County, Davis & Floyd
CDBG-MIT Plans and Studies Current Award Amounts | ||
Recipient | Project | Award Amount |
City of Conway | Stormwater Master Plan | $305,000 |
Horry County | Buck and Simpson Creed Watershed - Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study | $750,000 |
The Citadel (Charleston) | Multi-Hazard MIT Plan Update | $33,000 |
Town of James Island | Creek Basin Drainage Master Plan | $181,680 |
Chesterfield County | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study | $471,432 |
Town of Pamplico | Stormwater Study | $200,000 |
City of Florence | Stormwater Master Plan | $250,000 |
Town of Latta | Stormwater Master Plan | $130,000 |
Town of Summerton | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study | $192,380 |
Town of Mayesville | Stormwater Study | $96,490 |
Town of Pinewood | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study | $149,260 |
Marion County | Stormwater Master Plan | $472,326 |
City of Orangeburg | Stormwater Drainage Study | $285,251 |
Orangeburg County | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study | $439,150 |
SC State University | Stormwater Drainage Study | $450,000 |
Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study | $884,992 |
Williamsburg County | Comprehensive Plan with Resilience Elements | $144,000 |
Darlington County | Watershed Study | $468,000 |
Town of Society Hill | Stormwater Master Plan | $138,800 |
Town of Lamar | Stormwater Master Plan | $145,200 |
Calhoun County | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study | $335,000 |
SCEMD (Statewide) | Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment | $109,030 |
Total: | ||
$6,630,991 |
Total Budget | $13 million |
Eligible Applicants |
Eligible National Objectives | Not required |
Executing Jurisdictions |
Application Period | Year-round, ongoing |
Eligible Activities | Including, but not limited to: