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Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative (PAQC)



News and Events

(Coming Soon!) Comprehensive Climate Action Plan Kickoff Events

The PAQC is preparing to kick off the planning process for the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) this fall! Kickoff events will include re-initiating the sector-based Action Teams, an updated public input survey, and community engagement events. Please sign up for the mailing list below or email us for more information.

CPRG Implementation Grant Funding Secured! We are excited to announce that our multi-state coalition application for implementation grant funding was selected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)! EPA received over 300 applications totaling over $33 billion in program proposals. The Atlantic Conservation Coalition (ACC) application, which includes the states of South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland, was one of 25 applications selected by EPA for funding. South Carolina will receive approximately $89 million for land conservation measures that will enhance carbon sinks, reduce net emissions, and increase flood resilience. For more information, please see the link under “Resources” below.

What is the Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative?

The Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative (PAQC) is a 4-year planning initiative to develop innovative strategies to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollution in South Carolina. This initiative intends to lay the groundwork for lowering air emissions, engaging communities, and supporting workforce and economic development opportunities. The PAQC is co-led by the SC Office of Resilience (SCOR) and SC Department of Environmental Services (DES) and is funded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program.

 South Carolina Priority Climate Action Plan

South Carolina Priority Climate Action Plan, 2024 (PDF)

Following several months of stakeholder and community engagement, intergovernmental and interagency coordination, input survey feedback, and Action Team meetings, the Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative finalized the South Carolina Priority Climate Action Plan. It was published and submitted to the U.S. EPA on March 1, 2024.

Provide Input

An updated survey will be available shortly, however, the survey from the PCAP process (below) is still open if you wish to take it.

Click Here to Begin PAQC Survey

Your input is essential. Please take our survey using the link above!

This survey is designed to collect input from stakeholders about emissions reduction priorities, current activities, and concerns. The survey will be open throughout the planning process.

Most questions are optional, although we hope you will answer as completely as possible. Once you submit the survey, you may return and complete it again if you wish to provide additional information or project ideas. This survey is anticipated to take less than 15 minutes. 

Coordination with other CPRG grantees in South Carolina

SCOR will share survey information with the Councils of Governments (COGs) who are also participating in the CPRG program.

  • Responses received from Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Newberry, Richland, and Saluda Counties will be shared with the Central Midlands Council of Governments for the Central Midlands planning process. For more information, contact Jory Fleming,
  • Responses from Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburg, and Pickens Counties will be shared with the Appalachian Council of Governments for the Upstate planning process. For more information, contact Chip Bentley,
  • Responses from Chester, Lancaster, and York Counties will be shared with the Catawba Regional Council of Governments for the Charlotte area planning process. For more information, contact Stephen Allen,
Sign Up for the PAQC Mailing List

Please sign up for our mailing list using the following link if you are interested in updates and information for our initiative.

Join our Mailing List
CCAP Resources, Information, and Events
  • More information coming soon!
General Program Information
  • PAQC Information Sheet (PDF)
  • PAQC Overview: This video is an overview of the Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative (PAQC). It covers the planning process, key dates and times, and groups that are a part of the initiative. It also serves as the recorded version of the Action Team kickoff webinars from the week of December 11, 2023.
  • EPA CPRG Implementation Grant Funding: SCOR is pleased to announce that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intends to award the office, as part of a regional partnership, a Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. The partnership, known as the Atlantic Conservation Coalition, includes the states of South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland, along with The Nature Conservancy. The coalition will be awarded $421,238,074 with $50,000,000 coming directly to SCOR to acquire natural working lands throughout the state that sequester carbon and reduce flooding risk.
PCAP Resources, Information, and Events
  • PAQC Stakeholder Interagency Coordination Group, kickoff meeting on October 23, 2023. 
  • Action Teams
    • Information Sheet: Action Team Info Sheet (PDF)
    • Kickoff Webinars: The Action Teams kickoff webinars took place December 11-15, 2023. The presentation linked below compiles all 6 webinars’ information into one document. For more information about the kickoff, please watch the PAQC Overview recording in the section above.
    • Round Two Webinars: A second series of meetings were held January 8 – 10, 2024. All six Action Teams discussed specific reduction measures that were suggested to the PAQC through the stakeholder input survey or by email. Additionally, Action Teams discussed data gaps and limitations, quantifying reduction measures, and benefits, challenges, or constraints of the reduction measures.
  • Open House Webinars
    • SCOR hosted two webinars open to the general public on January 30 and January 31, 2024. Webinars provided an overview of the SC Office of Resilience, the CPRG program, and the Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative before providing a high-level overview of the components of the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan. Key components of the PCAP were discussed in further detail, including the draft statewide greenhouse gas inventory and reduction measures.
    • Presentation slides link: PAQC Open House Webinars Jan 30 & 31, 2024
Other Resources

The PAQC receives funding from the EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program

On August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law and established funding for greenhouse gas (GHG) planning and implementation efforts. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was authorized through the IRA to establish the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG). States, metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), tribes, and U.S. territories were eligible to receive funding from CPRG to develop strategies for reducing GHG emissions and other harmful co-pollutants.

South Carolina is one of 46 states that accepted funds from the CPRG. In addition, the Columbia and Greenville-Spartanburg MSAs received funding. Phase I of the CPRG provided states with $3 million and MSAs with $1 million. Phase II of CPRG will provide $4.6 billion nationwide in competitive implementation grants. SC Office of Resilience (SCOR) and SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) are partnering as co-leads for this grant.

SCOR and SC DHEC are receiving funding from the EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Program (CPRG) and formed the Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative (PAQC) to complete the EPA CPRG deliverables and requirements.

The PAQC Intergovernmental and Interagency Coordination Group is comprised of the SC Office of Resilience, SC DHEC, SC Energy Office, and other state agencies. Representatives from the 10 South Carolina Council of Governments (COGs), Association of Counties, and the Municipal Association will be invited to participate as well. It is a diverse, multidisciplinary advisory committee created for the purpose of providing enhanced feedback to SCOR and DHEC at all stages of the planning grant life cycle, and will assist with developing and reviewing the three main deliverables for the CPRG program.

Action Teams will be formed based on sector and other cross-cutting interests. They will help identify and assess measures to be included in the PCAP, Implementation Grant applications, and the CCAP. Learn more about the Action Teams here.

PAQC Program Timeline

Program Timeline. July 2023, Grant Awarded; March 2024, Priority Climate Action Plan; December 2025, Comprehensive Climate Action Plan; June 2027, Final Status Report


CCAP Timeline and Targets

August 2024, SC CPRG Programs Coordination Kickoff Meeting; Fall 2024, CCAP Kickoff Meetings; Winter 2024-25, Draft GHG Inventory & Projections Completed; Spring 2025, Draft Priority Reduction Measures Completed; Summer 2025, Draft Benefits Analysis and Workforce Plan Completed; October 2025, Draft CCAP Available and Draft CCAP Comments Due to PAQC; November 2025, Approvals and Final Edits of CCAP; December 2025, CCAP Due to EPA and Published.


More Information and Updates Coming Soon!

Please check back soon for more information as we continue to plan and organize this project. If you have any questions, please contact us.