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American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stormwater Infrastructure Program

The South Carolina General Assembly appropriated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the South Carolina Office of Resilience (SCOR) for projects that will lessen the impact of flooding. Through SCOR’s Stormwater Infrastructure Program, $65 million has been awarded to counties, cities, and towns to carry out stormwater infrastructure projects.

ARPA Stormwater Infrastructure Awarded Projects & Current Award Amounts
MunicipalityProjectAward Amount
City of CharlestonBarberry Woods Restoration Project (subrecipient)$4,930,000
City of FlorencePennsylvania Street Stormwater Mitigation Project (subrecipient)$2,943,900
City of West ColumbiaMill Village Stormwater Project (subrecipient)$2,398,479
City of BeaufortCharles/Craven St and Port Republic/Carteret St Drainage Improvement Projects$11,962,093
City of ColumbiaMarion Street Bioretention $1,905,619
City of ConwayMcKeithan Watershed Stormwater Improvements$2,638,435
Greenville CountyLittle Creek Stream Improvement & Reclamation (subrecipient)$965,085
Greenville CountyNorth Chastain Stream Restoration & Reclamation (subrecipient)$621,073
City of HanahanDowntown Stormwater Improvement Project$2,438,208
Laurens CountyN. Laurens County Culverts$1,576,005
Laurens CountyWattsville Community Stormwater Improvements$4,397,470
City of MauldinOak Park Drive$2,883,851
Town of NicholsNature-Based Stormwater Park$3,628,698
City of North Myrtle Beach18th Avenue North Outfall Landward Drainage$7,610,069
City of Rock HillLige Green Street Flooding, Phase 1 and Phase 2$10,600,424
Town of Surfside Upper Myrtle and Magnolia Basin Drainage Project Phase 2$1,175,000
Town of WinnsboroFortune Springs Park Stormwater Project$2,715,569


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Awarded Contracts

 City of Beaufort - Charles/Craven Street and Port Republic/Carteret Street Drainage Improvement Projects

City of North Myrtle Beach - 18th Avenue North Outfall Landward Drainage Project

Town of Surfside Beach - Upper Myrtle and Magnolia Basin Drainage Project Phase II

Town of Winnsboro - Fortune Springs Park Stormwater Project

City of Rock Hill - Lige Green Street Stormwater Improvements

Town of Nichols - Nature-Based Stormwater Park (Battle Park)

City of Conway - McKeithan Watershed Stormwater Improvement

City of Hanahan - Downtown Stormwater Improvement Project

Laurens County - N. Laurens County Culverts & Wattsville Community Stormwater Improvements

City of Columbia - Marion St. Bioretention Project

City of West Columbia - Mill Village Stormwater Project

Greenville County - Little Creek Stream Improvement & Reclamation and North Chastain Stream Restoration & Reclamation

City of Florence - Pennsylvania Street Stormwater Mitigation Project

City of Charleston- Barberry Woods Restoration Project

Procurement Policies