An Small Business Administration (SBA) administrative disaster declaration for Tropical Storm Debby came out in the September 15 Federal Register. This declaration makes SBA loans available for property damage (home and business) as well as business economic losses that occurred between August 4th and August 22nd. For this event, assistance is available in the following primary counties: Orangeburg and Berkeley, as well as in the following contiguous counties: Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Charleston, Clarendon, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Lexington, and Williamsburg. Additional information is included in the attached Info Sheet.
Applications for disaster loans may be submitted online using the MySBA Loan Portal https://lending.sba.gov or other locally announced locations. The current list of these locations is below:
The deadline for filing for physical damage assistance is November 18th, and the deadline for filing for economic injury assistance is June 18, 2025. Please contact the SBA disaster assistance customer service center by email at disastercustomerservice@sba.gov or by phone at 1–800–659–2955 for further assistance.
At this time, there has not been a Presidential (FEMA) Disaster declaration. SCOR, along with SCEMD, are awaiting this decision and will update here if that does happen. A Presidential Disaster declaration would have impact on eligibility for SBA loans, as well as implications for other funding as well.
For the most current information about Debby, please refer to the South Carolina Emergency Management Division.
- SCEMD's hurricane.sc website outlines preparation steps, what to have in an emergency kit, and important resource contacts.
- Follow SCEMD on Facebook, X (Twitter), and Instagram for real-time updates.
In a disaster's aftermath, finding local community resources should be residents' first step in the disaster recovery process. Start by reviewing SCEMD's "Recovery Programs" webpage which lists resources and outlines the disaster recovery process.
Next, keep checking this webpage to see the availability of FEMA public or individual assistance. If your county of residence is listed for individual assitance, you may be able to apply for assistance on disasterassistance.gov. When you apply, you will be asked to provide the following: description of damage, address, Social Security number, contact information, insurance information, income, etc. If you have insurance, you should file a claim as soon as possible. FEMA can’t pay for losses your insurance will cover.
The SCOR Disaster Case Management team stands ready to assist to facilitate access to a broad range of resources to address individuals’ disaster-caused unmet needs. In the case that this event is federally declared, SCOR will deploy Disaster Recovery Reserve Corps members to assist in disaster case management. Our Disaster Case Managers may be able to assist with disaster recovery needs not addressed by community resources and FEMA disaster assistance. Contact our case management team at 803-898-2511.
Statewide Resources:
S.C. Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) | scemd.org
Public Information Phone System (PIPS) | 1-866-246-0133 (Only activated as needed / Spanish interpreters available)
S.C. Department of Public Safety, Emergency Traffic Network | realtimetraffic.scdps.gov
National Hurricane Center (NHC) | hurricanes.gov
The Official Website of the State of SC | sc.gov/
SC Department of Insurance | doi.sc.gov 803-737-6160 803-768-3467
American Red Cross | redcross.org 1-866-438-4636
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | fema.orgready.org
S.C. Salvation Army | doingthemostgood.org 704-522-4970
S.C. Department of Transportation | scdot.org 855-GO-SCDOT